
I'm Althea Denlinger, a computer science undergraduate student at the University of New Mexico. I'm nearing the end of my senior year, and excited to start the next phase of life!


I am the lead front-end developer for Agora (currently in beta), a simple and secure blogging webapp. Agora started as a project between myself and my partner Franklin for our senior-year cybersecurity class. We have a Github repo with all of our development progress, plus information on how to host a personal copy of Agora for anybody who's interested.

Other Work

I'm thankful to have been able to present at various events over the course of my studies. Please check out my presentations for a list of work related to my past presentations.

Check out my fall 2023 Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies final project, a set of web pages critiquing three popular songs through the lens of gender and related philosophies.